Nuclear Bomb Fracking?
You may be surprised to hear that in Colorado, they tried using nuclear bombs for a very unique goal: fracking to extract natural oil and
The World’s First Nuclear Explosion
Let’s talk about the world’s first detonation of a nuclear weapon: Trinity. This test was conducted by the US Army at 5:30 a.m. on July
Jane Puckett and the Manhattan Project
We may not often hear stories of women’s roles during the Manhattan Project. One notable woman named Jane Puckett had a great influence on the

Former Energy Workers Book Recommendations
Book Recommendations for Former Energy Workers Many of you have lived through the Manhattan Project or another key event that led nuclear energy to where
The World’s Nuclear Reactors
There are almost 450 nuclear power reactors operating in 32 countries, providing about 10% of the world’s electricity. Electricity demand is increasing about twice as

Deseret Article Highlights Victims of Radiation
This Deseret article, co-written by CEO & President of UEW, highlights the victims of radiation who have never received compensation. Treatments required to stay alive

An American Nuclear Energy Betrayal
In 2007 at the East Tennessee Technology Park (formerly known as the K-25 plant) in Oak Ridge, TN, a former janitor betrayed his country. Roy

Eisenhower’s Apology
Race and Reputation During the Cold War arms race, the United States also fought to win the support and friendship of other countries – particularly

The Father of the Atomic Bomb
J. Robert Oppenheimer, an American theoretical physicist, is known by many as the “father of the atomic bomb.” Oppenheimer, born in 1904, was incredibly bright

Einstein’s (small) role in the Manhattan Project
Albert Einstein was a German-born theoretical physicist. He wasn’t allowed to work on the Manhattan Project because of concerns about him being a security risk

From Army Engineer to Director of the Manhattan Project
Leslie groves as Major General Leslie Richard Groves grew up on military bases, as his father was an army chaplain. Naturally, he was drawn to

The Scale of the Manhattan Project
DC Aromory; Source: Google LIFE image archive. The Magnitude of the Manhattan Project The Manhattan Project is not only a fascinating success story due to