What is Parkinson’s Disease?
Learning that you have Parkinson’s disease, or recognizing some of the signs and symptoms of Parkinson’s disease in a loved one can be devastating. As many people know, Parkinson’s disease affects a person’s movement, and it can result in a person ultimately finding it difficult or even impossible to walk or even talk over time. […]
What Are Some Crohn’s Disease Symptoms?
Crohn’s disease can be debilitating, and it can produce severe symptoms. At the same time, Crohn’s disease can have a wide range of symptoms that can be similar to other diseases, and as such, it is extremely important to discuss your symptoms with a healthcare provider. If you do need treatment for Crohn’s disease and […]
What is ALS Disease?
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a serious medical condition that involves the gradual breakdown of nerve cells in the brain and the spinal column. Unfortunately, ALS causes the loss of muscle control. It is better known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease — named after the baseball player who developed ALS in the 1930s. Since then, there […]
What is Huntington’s Disease
Huntington’s Disease is a very serious medical condition. It causes a progressive degradation of nerve cells in the patient’s brain. Unfortunately, Huntington’s has a severe impact on the patient — typically resulting in the development of significant physical and cognitive impairments. It is a medical condition that has a strong, well-documented genetic component. Sadly, at […]
Helping Elderly Parents Who Don’t Want to Take Their Medications

It’s no secret that as parents age, they tend to get more stubborn. With that stubbornness comes the challenge of trying to get them to take their medicines as prescribed. If they are new medications, your parents might be skeptical, or if they are suffering from dementia, they may be paranoid and suspicious. This can […]
Why Falls Are So Dangerous Among the Elderly and How to Prevent Them

For older Americans, falls are a leading cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries. Though prevention is key, there are certain risk factors that cannot be avoided with individuals of advanced age. As fall events are expected to soar as Baby Boomer generation grows older, the importance of proper monitoring and supervision in the living environment […]
How to Discuss Deteriorating Health Options with Elderly Parents

Even the spriest and healthiest of elderly individuals will, eventually, slow down and perhaps require the help of another person in order to perform day-to-day tasks. For adult children who are watching their parents’ health deteriorate, knowing how to talk about deteriorating health and options for care can be challenging; elderly parents are often in […]
What You Should Know About Taking the Keys from Your Elderly Parents

As people age, their mental and physical faculties slow and deteriorate, and so does their ability to heal and repair tissue and muscle in the event of an accident. Which is why for an elderly person, driving can be an especially dangerous activity. Not only are elderly people at an increased risk of being involved […]
Diminishing Geriatric Healthcare Professionals and What This Means for Your Elderly Loved Ones

In the coming years, the need for geriatric care in the United States will be greater than ever. Yet, while the number of senior citizens continues to grow at an enormous rate, the number of geriatricians has leveled off — it might even be shrinking. For families throughout the United States, this is an extremely […]
Warning Signs of Malnutrition in the Elderly

Proper nutrition is essential to overall health and well-being, physically and mentally. At any age, a diet rich in lean proteins, fresh produce, and healthy carbohydrates does the human body good. Yet, even when you know the importance of good nutrition, you may have an elderly loved one in your life that suffers from malnutrition. […]