What to Expect When Preparing for Geriatric Surgery

According to the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA), about half of all people aged 65 years or older will have some sort of surgery during their lifetimes. When you consider that 78 million Baby Boomers are transitioning into this age group, there is reason to be concerned about geriatric surgery. Whether you are the patient […]
Helping the Elderly Cope with Dysphasia

Dysphasia is a language disorder characterized by difficulty expressing thoughts verbally. When an individual experiences dysphasia, he or she can face difficulty speaking, reading, writing, and gesturing to communicate with others. This can make it extremely difficult for the individual to manage day-to-day tasks, sometimes to the point of inhibiting his or her ability to […]
Recognizing and Preventing Abuse Situations in Elderly Loved Ones

Sadly, elder abuse is a very serious problem in our country. The National Council on Aging (NCOA) reports that as many as five million older Americans face some form of abuse or neglect each and every year. The true figure may be even higher than that — abuse of senior citizens is chronically underreported. […]
How Families Can Help Their Elderly Members Manage Finances on a Budget

According to collaborative research conducted by the AARP and the National Alliance for Caregiving, nearly a third of American adults provide some form of care for an elderly family member. Among other things, this has the potential to cause some real financial strain on families. It is crucial that adults know how to help their […]
How to Help a Family Member Who Is Struggling with Chronic Disease

If your family member struggles with a chronic illness, you are not alone. According to data published by the National Council on Aging (NCOA), nearly eight in ten senior citizens are currently dealing with some type of chronic disease or chronic health condition. We all want to make sure our most vulnerable loved ones are in […]
Keeping Children Involved in the Lives of Elderly People

When it comes to health and healing among the aging population, there are several additions to alternative medicine that many people turn to promote well-being, one of which being the influence of young children. When senior citizens are faced with disease, depression, or limitations, all of these ailments can be mitigated when children get involved […]
Hobbies for the Elderly

Adult children and other concerned family members often think about different ways to ensure their elderly parents and relatives are staying busy and remaining happy. While the statistics show that elderly depression is on the rise, it is easy enough to turn this situation around by helping our elderly loved ones find a passion and […]
Helping Your Elderly Loved One Continue Playing a Role In Your Family

Because of impairments, disability, or disease, elderly people in American society feel that they are often cast off and forgotten, even by the people who love them the most. It isn’t surprising that this is a common sentiment among the elderly, either. The rate of familial visits for the elderly is generally low, more and […]
Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment for Depression in the Elderly

The number of people who experience depression in their later years is staggering. There are an estimated 6 million elderly people who currently suffer from depression, ranging from severe to mild cases, but only about 10 percent of those are actually receiving help and treatment for this affliction. Why are so many elderly people suffering […]
How to Take Away the Driving Privileges from Elderly Parents Without Creating Resentment

A day may arrive when your elderly loved one is no longer able to safely operate a car. Unfortunately, many older drivers begin to lose their skills as they age. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there is an increase in accident risk beginning at age 70. Taking the keys away […]