In 2000, Congress passed the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA) to compensate and care for Cold War nuclear workers that worked at an approved Department of Energy site. These energy workers were put at risk by exposure to hazardous materials, much of the time without their knowledge or consent.
Even small amounts of exposure to radiation, uranium, beryllium, or other toxic chemicals can cause harm-leading to a lifetime of hardship. Facilities covered by the EEOICPA number in the hundreds and span nearly all 50 states. Upon approval, former workers can receive monetary compensation and free medical care for the conditions related to working at EEOICPA covered facilities.
For more information on covered EEOICPA facilities, visit the Department of Energy website by clicking on the link below

List of Covered Department of Energy Facilities
- Amchitka Island Nuclear Explosion Site
- Project Chariot Site
- Ore Buying Station at Globe, AZ
- Uranium Mill in Monument Valley
- Uranium Mill in Tuba City
- Ore Buying Station at Globe, AZ
- Uranium Mill in Monument Valley
- Uranium Mill in Tuba City
- Area IV of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory
- Arthur D. Little Co.
- Atomics International
- C.L. Hann Industries
- California Research Corp.
- Canoga Avenue Facility
- Ceradyne, Inc. (Costa Mesa)
- Ceradyne, Inc. (Santa Ana)
- City Tool & Die Manufacturing
- De Soto Avenue Facility
- Dow Chemical Company
- Downey Facility
- EDM Exotics
- Electro Circuits, Inc.
- Electrofusion Corporation
- General Atomics
- General Electric Vallecitos
- Hafer Tool
- Hexcel Products, Inc.
- High Energy Rate Forging (HERF) Facility
- Hunter Douglas Aluminum Corp.
- Jerry Carroll Machining, Inc.
- Laboratory for Energy-Related Health Research
- Laboratory of Biomedical and Environmental Sciences
- Laboratory of Radiobiology and Environmental Health
- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- Lebow
- Philco-Ford Corporation
- Pleasanton Tool and Manufacturing
- Poltech Precision
- Robin Materials
- Ron Witherspoon, Inc.
- Sandia Laboratory, Salton Sea Base
- Sandia National Laboratories–Livermore
- SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
- Stauffer Metals, Inc.
- Tapemation
- Climax Uranium Mill in Grand Junction
- Coors Porcelain
- Grand Junction Facilities
- Green Sludge Plant in Uravan
- New Uranium Mill in Rifle
- Old Uranium Mill in Rifle
- Project Rio Blanco Nuclear Explosion Site
- Project Rulison Nuclear Explosion Site
- Rocky Flats Plant
- Shattuck Chemical
- University of Denver Research Institute
- Uranium Mill in Durango
- Uranium Mill in Gunnison
- Uranium Mill in Maybell
- Uranium Mill in Naturita
- Uranium Mill in Slick Rock
- American Chain and Cable Co.
- Anaconda Co.
- Bridgeport Brass Co., Havens Laboratory
- Combustion Engineering
- Connecticut Aircraft Nuclear Engine Laboratory (CANEL)
- Dorr Corp.
- Fenn Machinery Co.
- Machlett Laboratories
- New England Lime Co.
- Seymour Specialty Wire
- Sperry Products, Inc.
- Torrington Co.
- Allied Chemical and Dye Corp.
- American Beryllium Co.
- Armour Fertilizer Works
- Gardinier, Inc.
- International Minerals and Chemical Corp.
- Pinellas Plant
- University of Florida
- Virginia-Carolina Chemical Corp
- W.R. Grace Co., Agricultural Chemical Div. (Florida)
- Kauai Test Facility
- Argonne National Laboratory–West
- Idaho National Laboratory
- Northwest Machining and Manufacturing
- Uranium Mill in Lowman
- Allied Chemical Corp. Plant
- American Machine and Metals, Inc.
- Argonne National Laboratory–East
- Armour Research Foundation
- Blockson Chemical Co. (Building 55 and related activities)
- C-B Tool Products Co.
- Crane Co.
- Dow Chemical Corporation (Madison Site)
- ERA Tool and Engineering Co.
- Fansteel Metallurgical Corp.
- Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
- General Steel Industries
- Great Lakes Carbon Corp.
- GSA 39th Street Warehouse
- International Register
- Kaiser Aluminum Corp.
- Lindsay Light and Chemical Co.
- Metallurgical Laboratory
- Midwest Manufacturing Co.
- National Guard Armory
- Podbeilniac Corp.
- Precision Extrusion Co.
- Quality Hardware and Machine Co.
- R. Krasburg and Sons Manufacturing Co.
- W.E. Pratt Manufacturing Co.
- Wyckoff Drawn Steel Co.
- American Bearing Corp.
- Dana Heavy Water Plant
- General Electric Plant (Indiana)
- Joslyn Manufacturing and Supply Co.
- Purdue University
- Ames Laboratory
- Bendix Aviation (Pioneer Division)
- Iowa Ordnance Plant (Line 1 and Associated Activities)
- Titus Metals
- Spencer Chemical Co., Jayhawks Works
- Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant
- Ethyl Corporation
Marshall Islands
- Enewetak RADLAB
- Pacific Proving Ground
- Armco-Rustless Iron & Steel
- W.R. Grace and Company (Maryland)
- American Potash & Chemical
- C.G. Sargent & Sons
- Chapman Valve
- Edgerton Germeshausen & Grier, Inc.
- Fenwal, Inc.
- Franklin Institute
- Heald Machine Co.
- Hood Building
- La Pointe Machine and Tool Co.
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Metals and Controls Corp.
- National Research Corp.
- Norton Co.
- Nuclear Metals, Inc.
- Reed Rolled Thread Co.
- Ventron Corporation
- Winchester Engineering and Analytical Center
- Wyman Gordon Inc.
- Elk River Reactor
- Salmon Nuclear Explosion Site
- Kansas City Plant
- Latty Avenue Properties
- Mallinckrodt Chemical Co., Destrehan St. Plant
- Medart Co.
- Roger Iron Co.
- St. Louis Airport Storage Site (SLAPS)
- Tyson Valley Powder Farm
- United Nuclear Corp.
- Weldon Spring Plant
- Weldon Spring Quarry
- Weldon Spring Raffinate Pits
- Hallam Sodium Graphite Reactor
- Nevada Site Office
- Nevada Test Site
- Project Faultless Nuclear Explosion Site
- Project Shoal Nuclear Explosion Site
- Tonopah Test Range
- Yucca Mountain Project
New Jersey
- Aluminum Co. of America (Alcoa) (New Jersey)
- American Peddinghaus Corp.
- Baker and Company
- Bell Telephone Laboratories
- Bloomfield Tool Co.
- Bowen Engineering, Inc.
- Callite Tungsten Co.
- Chemical Construction Co.
- Du Pont Deepwater Works
- International Nickel Co., Bayonne Laboratories
- J.T. Baker Chemical Co.
- Kellex/Pierpont
- Maywood Chemical Works
- Middlesex Municipal Landfill
- Middlesex Sampling Plant
- National Beryllia
- New Brunswick Laboratory
- Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
- Rare Earths/W.R. Grace
- Standard Oil Development Co. of NJ
- Stevens Institute of Technology
- Tube Reducing Co.
- U.S. Pipe and Foundry
- Vitro Corp. of America (New Jersey)
- Westinghouse Electric Corp. (New Jersey)
- Wykoff Steel Co.
New Mexico
- Accurate Machine & Tool
- Albuquerque Operations Office
- Chupadera Mesa
- Hangar 481
- Kirtland Operations Office
- Los Alamos Medical Center
- Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute
- Ore Buying Station at Grants, NM
- Ore Buying Station at Shiprock
- Project Gasbuggy Nuclear Explosion Site
- Project Gnome Nuclear Explosion Site
- Sandia National Laboratories
- South Albuquerque Works
- Trinity Nuclear Explosion Site
- Uranium Mill at Shiprock
- Uranium Mill in Ambrosia Lake
- Waste Isolation Pilot Plant
New York
- Allegheny-Ludlum Steel
- American Machine and Foundry
- Baker and Williams Warehouses
- Bethlehem Steel
- Bliss & Laughlin Steel
- Brookhaven National Laboratory
- Burns & Roe, Inc.
- Carborundum Company
- Colonie Interim Storage Site (National Lead Co.)
- Crucible Steel Co.
- Electro Metallurgical
- Environmental Measurements Laboratory
- Fairchild Hiller Corporation
- General Astrometals
- Haist Property
- Hooker Electrochemical
- International Rare Metals Refinery, Inc.
- Ithaca Gun Co.
- Lake Ontario Ordnance Works
- Linde Air Products
- Linde Ceramics Plant
- New York University
- Peek Street Facility**
- Radium Chemical Co.
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
- Sacandaga Facility**
- SAM Laboratories, Columbia University
- Separations Process Research Unit (at Knolls Lab.)**
- Simonds Saw and Steel Co.
- Staten Island Warehouse
- Sylvania Corning Nuclear Corp. – Bayside Laboratories
- Sylvania Corning Nuclear Corp. – Hicksville Plant
- Titanium Alloys Manufacturing
- Trudeau Foundation
- University of Rochester Atomic Energy Project
- Utica St. Warehouse
- West Valley Demonstration Project
- Wolff-Alport Chemical Corp
North Carolina
- Beryllium Metals and Chemical Corp.
- University of North Carolina
- Ajax Magnethermic Corp.
- Alba Craft
- Associated Aircraft Tool and Manufacturing Co.
- B & T Metals
- Baker Brothers
- Battelle Laboratories – King Avenue
- Battelle Laboratories – West Jefferson
- Beryllium Production Plant (Brush Luckey Plant)
- Brush Beryllium Co. (Cleveland)
- Brush Beryllium Co. (Elmore)
- Brush Beryllium Co. (Lorain)
- Cincinnati Milling Machine Co.
- Clifton Products Co.
- Copperweld Steel
- Du Pont-Grasselli Research Laboratory
- Duriron Co
- Extrusion Plant (Reactive Metals Inc.)
- Feed Materials Production Center (FMPC)
- General Electric Company (Ohio)
- Gruen Watch
- Harshaw Chemical Co.
- Herring-Hall Marvin Safe Co.
- Horizons, Inc.
- Kettering Laboratory, University of Cincinnati
- Magnus Brass Co.
- McKinney Tool and Manufacturing Co.
- Mitchell Steel Co.
- Mound Plant
- Piqua Organic Moderated Reactor
- Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant
- R. W. Leblond Machine Tool Co.
- Tech-Art, Inc.
- The Dayton Project
- Tocco Induction Heating Div.
- Vulcan Tool Co.
- Eagle-Picher Industries, Inc.
- Kerr-McGee
- Albany Research Center
- Uranium Mill and Disposal Cell in Lakeview
- Wah Chang
- Aeroprojects, Inc.
- Aliquippa Forge
- Aluminum Co. of America (Alcoa) (Pennsylvania)
- Beryllium Corp. of America (Hazleton)
- Beryllium Corp. of America (Reading)
- Birdsboro Steel & Foundry
- C.H. Schnorr
- Carnegie Institute of Technology
- Carpenter Steel Co.
- Chambersburg Engineering Co.
- Foote Mineral Co.
- Heppenstall Co.
- Jessop Steel Co.
- Koppers Co., Inc.
- Landis Machine Tool Co.
- McDanel Refractory Co.
- Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corp. (NUMEC) (Apollo)
- Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corp. (NUMEC) (Parks Township)
- Penn Salt Co.
- Shippingport Atomic Power Plant **
- Superior Steel Co.
- U.S. Steel Co., National Tube Division
- Vitro Manufacturing (Canonsburg)
- Westinghouse Atomic Power Development Plant
- Westinghouse Nuclear Fuels Division
- Shoemakersville Plant
Puerto Rico
- BONUS Reactor Plant
- Puerto Rico Nuclear Center
Rhode Island
- C.I. Hayes, Inc.
South Carolina
- Savannah River Site
South Dakota
- Ore Buying Station at Edgemont
- Clarksville Modification Center
- Clinton Engineer Works (CEW)
- Elza Gate
- Manufacturing Sciences Corporation
- Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant (K-25)
- Oak Ridge Hospital
- Oak Ridge Institute for Science Education (ORISE)
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory (X-10)
- Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI)
- S-50 Oak Ridge Thermal Diffusion Plant
- Vitro Corporation of America (Tennessee)
- W.R. Grace (Tennessee)
- Y-12 Plant
- Medina Modification Center
- Pantex Plant
- Sutton, Steele and Steele Co.
- Texas City Chemicals, Inc.
- Uranium Mill in Falls City
- Beryllium Mill in Delta
- Beryllium Mine at Topaz-Spor Mountain
- Ore Buying Station at Marysvale
- Ore Buying Station at Moab
- Ore Buying Station at Monticello
- Ore Buying Station at White Canyon
- The Mill at Moab Utah
- Uranium Mill in Mexican Hat
- Uranium Mill in Monticello
- BWX Technologies, Inc. (Virginia)
- Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
- University of Virginia
- Hanford
- Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
West Virginia
- Reduction Pilot Plant
- A.O. Smith Corporation
- Allis-Chalmers Co.
- Besley-Wells
- General Electric X-Ray Division
- LaCrosse Boiling Water Reactor
- Ladish Co.
- Ore Buying Station at Crooks Gap
- Ore Buying Station at Riverton
- Uranium Mill in Converse County (Spook Site)
- Uranium Mill in Riverton