At United Energy Workers Healthcare and Four Corners Health Care, we are dedicated to providing the best possible care for those receiving benefits under EEOICPA. This includes home visits, helping with the administration of medication, and assisting our clients with daily tasks, such as dressing, eating, and bathing. However, we also understand that the types of serious illnesses suffered by our clients can take an extreme emotional and physical toll on the patients’ families and so do what we can to help alleviate some of these stresses by providing emotional support and a family-based hiring program.
Our Hiring Program
Our dedicated home health care team provides three forms of assistance including:
- Personal care;
- Hiring programs for family members; and
- Medical monitoring and administration of medication.
Our hiring program is specifically aimed at helping family members become certified in home health care. Without this certification family members cannot be reimbursed for taking care of their loved ones, which can make it difficult to make ends meet.
Household Tasks
As part of our duties, the home care team at United Energy Workers Healthcare and Four Corners Health Care also handles basic household tasks. This could include light housekeeping, meal preparation, laundry, grocery shopping, and paperwork management. These types of duties can help keep the patient comfortable, while also providing family members with a well-earned break. Before eligible parties receive approval from EEOICPA, they are often completely dependent on their family members for most activities, including dressing, meal preparation, transportation, and medication administration. Handling all of these responsibilities single handedly can be extremely stressful, especially for a family member who is already worrying about a loved one’s serious illness. By performing these simple tasks, we hope to provide the spouses, children, siblings, and friends of our patients with the opportunity to take a small break from their duties.
Peace of Mind
We are also dedicated to helping the family members of patients achieve peace of mind by ensuring that their loved ones are cared for by an efficient and caring staff. Many of our clients do not have family members in the immediate area and our presence can help relieve relatives and friends of some of their worries. Because we perform basic household tasks, prepare nutritious meals, and assist clients with their paperwork and bills, family members can rest assured that despite their absence, the patient is being well cared for and receiving the medical care that he or she needs. Helping our clients maintain their independence also helps them keep their spirits up, while also allowing family members to continue their current employment, which in turn can help all parties remain financially afloat.
Contact a Member of our Experienced Home Health Care Team Today
A loved one’s illness can be emotionally taxing and stressful for the patient, but also his or her family. At United Energy Workers Healthcare and Four Corners Health Care, we do our best to help alleviate as much of this burden as we can. Please contact a member of our home care team to learn more about our services.
Who We Serve
Do you have this card?
If you already have this card, then you are already approved to receive no-cost medical benefits! Call us to get started today.
In order to be eligible for EEOICPA/RECA benefits, an individual must have been employed at a covered Department of Energy facility, an approved atomic weapons facility, or at a permitted beryllium vendor. An individual must also have one of the covered conditions as a result of exposure to radiation, beryllium, or silica while employed at an accepted facility. In addition, uranium miners, millers, and ore transporters are eligible for benefits if they develop an illness as a result of exposure to toxic substances (such as radiation, chemicals, solvents, acids, and metals) and worked at a facility covered under RECA. Eligibility requirements vary by location and condition.